
September 8, 2010

modified: 22 May 2011


date teaching / activities
11 sep colleen, paul rita
18 sep rita, justin, josie
am: Adam/Cheryl
pm: Sheila VD
25 sep colleen, paul, kaitlyn s, alyssa v
am: Fran
pm: Tyler
2 oct rita, justin, josie
9 oct (thanksgiving holiday) (holiday)
16 oct colleen, paul, kaitlyn s, alyssa v
23 oct justin, rita, josie
30 oct
paul, colleen, kaitlyn, alyssa
am: Fran
pm: Sheila
6 nov
rita, justin, josie, maple
am: Adam/Cheryl
pm: Tyler
13 nov
(remembrance holiday) (holiday)
20 nov
paul, colleen, kaitlyn, alyssa
27 nov
justin, josie, paul
4 dec
paul, colleen, kaitlyn, alyssa
11 dec
rita, justin, josie
am: adam/cheryl
pm: sheila
18 dec
paul, colleen, kaitlyn, alyssa
am: adam/cheryl
pm: tyler
25 dec
1 jan ’11
8 jan
(cancelled for 3rd party event) rita, justin, josie
15 jan
paul, colleen, kaitlyn (on island), alyssa
am: fran
pm: sheila
22 jan
rita, justin (busy), josie, paul, caleb
29 jan
paul, colleen, kaitlyn, alyssa (can’t come), allyson
am: fran
pm: tyler
5 feb
mr nap, rita, justin (can’t come), paul, josie, allyson
am: adam/cheryl
pm: sheila
12 feb
paul, randy, lorene, alyssa, daniel
19 feb
rita (older kids), justin (younger kids), josie, alyssa
26 feb
colleen (older), lorene (younger), ally, alyssa
5 mar
lorene/randy (older), justin (younger), josie, Allyson ben
12 mar
paul (younger), colleen (older), kaitlyn, alyssa
am: fran
pm: sheila
19 mar
(canceled) (canceled)
26 mar
(spring vacation)
(spring vacation)
2 apr
(spring vacation)
(spring vacation)
9 apr
paul, colleen, alyssa, esther, josie
am: fran
pm: ben
16 apr
Lorene/Randy, justin, ally am: adam/cheryl
pm: sheila
23 apr
(easter holiday)
(easter holiday)
30 apr
paul, lorene, ally, josie
am: fran
pm: tyler
7 may
colleen, paul, josie nora
14 may
paul, colleen, ?
am: adam/cheryl
pm: sheila
21 may
(victoria day) (victoria day)
28 may
all (last class – note 9:30am start)

Lesson Topics

09/11/10 Abram / Sarai – promise, travel (Gen 12)
09/18/10 Abram and Lot part / Abram rescues Lot (gen 13-14)
09/25/10 Covenant / Hagar and Ishmael (Gen 15-16)
10/02/10 Sodom destroyed
10/16/10 Abraham offers Isaac (gen 22)
10/23/10 a bride for Isaac (gen 24)
10/30/10 jacob / esau born; birthright traded for soup
11/06/10 esau tricked (gen 27)
11/20/10 jacob and Ladder / Jacob and Laban; (gen 28-31)
11/27/10 jacob wrestles with God (gen 32-33)
12/04/10 Joseph – dreams / sold into slavery (gen 37)
12/11/10 birth / coming of Jesus part 1
12/18/11 birth / coming of Jesus part 2
01/15/11 (gen 39-41) false accusation / prison / cupbearer and baker’s dreams / pharoah’s dream / joseph’s restoration in egypt
01/22/11 (Gen 42-45) joseph and brothers during famine
01/29/11 calling of the 12 disciples
02/05/11 Mark 2: 1 – 12 (guest Mr. Apko Nap) — this is MIRACLE lowered thru roof
02/12/11 PARABLES found in Matt 13 (four soils; wheat/weeds; mustard seed; yeast; hidden treasure; pearl; fish net)
02/19/11 MIRACLES in gospel of John: water into wine (chapter 2); the official’s son (chapter 4); disabled man at pool (chapter 5); feeding five thousand (chapter 6; see also matt 14:13; mark 6:30; luke 9:10); one born blind (chapter 9); raising of Lazarus (chapter 11)
02/26/11 PARABLES from Luke 12-15 (rich man with barns, give the fig tree another chance, guests to banquet, lost sheep, lost coin, ‘prodigal’ son)
03/05/11 MIRACLES 3: calming storm; man in the tombs; Jairus’ daughter / woman cured
03/12/11 PARABLES 3: the wise and foolish builders (Matt 7:24; Luke 6:46); good Samaritan (luke 10:25); friend at midnight (luke 11:5)
03/19/11 (canceled)
04/09/11 Trial and death of Jesus
04/16/11 Burial and resurrection of Jesus
04/30/11 Ascension of Jesus
05/07/11 MIRACLES and PARABLES final for the year: one born blind [John 9]; the good shepherd (jn 10);  if time: daughter of woman [Matt. 15, etc.]; ten men with skin disease [Luke 17]; real vine (jn 15)
05/14/11 Movie and review for final class
05/28/11 Final – review game + breakfast

Jesus’ Parables and Miracles in order:

  1. Jesus’ baptism
  2. temptation
  3. first disciples called (john 1:15)
  4. MIRACLE: changes water into wine (john 2:1)
  5. temple cleansing
  6. converts in Samaria
  7. MIRACLES: healing the official’s son (john 4:43); healing a disabled man at pool of Bethesda (john 5:2)
  8. John the Baptizer imprisoned
  9. calling disciples to be fishers of men
  10. MIRACLES: heals many people [incl Peter’s mother-in-law, man with evil spirit at synagogue] (Matthew 8:14; mark 1:23-39; luke 4:31)
  11. MIRACLE: healing a man who had a skin disease (matt 8:2; mark 1:40; luke 5:12)
  12. MIRACLE: healing a man who could not walk (matt 9:2; mark 2:1; luke 5:17)
  13. calling of matthew
  14. MIRACLE: man with weak and twisted hand on the Sabbath (Matthew 12:9; mark 3:1; luke 6:6)
  15. calling of the twelve
  16. PARABLES at sermon on the mount: salt and light (matt 5:13); son asks for bread (matt 7:9); wolves as sheep, no figs from thorns (matt 7:15; luke 6:43); builds house on rock (matt 7:24; luke 6:46)
  17. MIRACLES: healing Roman commander’s servant (matt 8:5; luke 7:1); raising widow’s son (luke 7:11)
  18. sinner woman with alabaster box
  19. PARABLE: two who owed money (luke 7:40)
  20. MIRACLE: healing man controlled by demons,blind and could not speak (matt 12:22; mark 3:22; luke 11:14)
  21. PARABLES: eight by the seaside (matt 13:1; mark 4:1; luke 8:4)
  22. MIRACLES: calming the storm (Matthew 8:18; mark 4:35; luke 8:22); healing man controlled by demons living in the tombs (matt 8:28; mark 5:1; luke 8:26)
  23. MIRACLES: Jairus’ daughter raised, woman cured (matt 9:18; mark 5:21; luke 8:40); two blind men and man who could not speak, controlled by a demon (Matthew 9:27)
  24. twelve sent
  25. death of John the Baptizer
  26. MIRACLES: feeding five thousand (matt 14:13; mark 6:30; luke 9:10; john 6:1); walks on water (matt 14:22; mark 6:47; john 6:16); heals many that are sick (matt 14:34; mark 6:53)
  27. MIRACLE: heals daughter of woman (“the dogs eat the crumbs”) (matt 15:21; mark 7:24)
  28. MIRACLES: more healing blind, disabled, etc (matt 15:29; mark 7:31)
  29. MIRACLE: feeding four thousand (matt 15:32; mark 8)
  30. MIRACLE: blind man healed (mark 8:22)
  31. transfiguration
  32. MIRACLES: healing boy who had an evil spirit (matt 17:14; mark 9:14; luke 9:37); healing one born blind (john 9:1)
  33. PARABLE: the servant who had no mercy (matt 18:21)
  34. PARABLES: the Shepherd and the flock, etc (john 10)
  35. mission of the seventy
  36. PARABLES: good Samaritan (luke 10:25); friend at midnight (luke 11:5); rich man with storerooms (luke 12:13); fig tree with no fruit (luke 13:6)
  37. MIRACLE: disabled woman healed (luke 13:10)
  38. PARABLES: mustard seed, yeast (luke 13:18); the narrow door (luke 13:22 — also see sermon on the mount at matt 7:13)
  39. PARABLES: the big dinner (luke 14:15); lost sheep and lost coin (luke 15:1); lost son (Luke 15:11); clever manager (16:1); rich man and Lazarus (16:14)
  40. MIRACLE: raising of Lazarus (john 11:1)
  41. MIRACLE: healing ten men with a skin disease (luke 17:11)
  42. PARABLES: the widow who would not give up (Luke 18:1); the Pharisee and the tax collector (luke 18:9); the rich young man (matt 19:16; mark 10:17; luke 18:18); workers in the vineyard (matt 20:1)
  43. MIRACLE: healing two blind men near Jericho (matt 20:29; mark 10:46; luke 18:35)
  44. visit to zaccheus
  45. PARABLE: three servants given money (luke 19:11)
  46. anointing by Mary
  47. triumphal entry
  48. cleansing temple
  49. PARABLES: the two sons (matt 21:28); the wicked farmers who rented the vineyard (matt 21:33; mark 12:1; luke 20:9); wedding dinner (matt 22:1)
  50. PARABLES: the ten bridesmaids, three servants put in charge, shepherd who separates the sheep from the goats (matt 25:1)
  51. the last supper
  52. PARABLE: the vine and the branches (john 15:1)
  53. betrayal and arrest

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